Saturday, May 18, 2019

Jaws Essay

Paragraph 1 Introduction What is the film called Jaws Who tell it Steven Speilbeig What is it about It is about a shark attack Where is it, when is it set Amity Island New England, 4th July why is it set 4th July It is set on the 4th of July because on that date most Americans gather close to and spend time with their famlies and go out to the beach will close because families cant go to the beach.Paragraph 2 Music Describe how the shark is connected to the music in the backup sequence You can almost visualize the deadly shark coming closer and closer as you hear the drum beating in the background getting smart and faster, louder and louder beating like a steadily-rising heart rate ready to attack his prey. Give two other examples of how the music or mutism is used to scare the audience or build emphasis When the loud music plays it get exciting, besides before the music start to being fast and loud its very low making it non as exciting but tension building, so the tension and excitment is good, and as it builds up get faster and faster the audience knows that something is going to happen gives it a dramtic effect.Paragraph 3 Camera techniques Describe the minute of arc attack in detail and say how the camera was used to help build up tension and scare the audienceThe second attack is when all the children are playing on the sea whilst on that point parents watch, sunbathing, on the beach and Brody is doing his job sat looking out for anything suspicious because of the previous attack. The shark then attacks the young boy. The camera angles build up tension because it goes beneath the water and makes it seem like its from the sharks point of view and when it was attacking it went from a distance so you could see all the peoples faces and just how exactly he was attacked.

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